Návod na použitie SAMSUNG WB610 QUICK GUIDE (VER.1.0)

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Mode d'emploi SAMSUNG WB610

Môžete si stiahnuť následujúci manuál súvisiaci s týmto produktom:

   SAMSUNG WB610 (5997 ko)
   SAMSUNG WB610 QUICK GUIDE (4371 ko)
   SAMSUNG WB610 QUICK GUIDE (VER.1.0) (9596 ko)
   SAMSUNG WB610 QUICK GUIDE (VER.1.1) (3617 ko)

návod na obsluhu SAMSUNG WB610QUICK GUIDE (VER.1.0)

Detailné inštrukcie na použitie sú v Návodoch

[. . . ] 4 Dodvan prslusenstvo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Prehad ovldacch prvkov a scast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Prprava Nabjanie batrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Priblizn prevdzkov cas a pocet zberov, ktor je mozn nasnma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] SET], snmanie sa displayed in blue for 2 seconds, after which its colour changes to the usual red. 2 NoteIt is also possible to change the number of seconds using the quick menu. (P23) Nasnmajte zbery. Technique snmania zberov v rezime Hviezdna obloha [i-PORTRAIT] Technika for Starry Sky Mode > Uzvierkaopens for na 30 or 60 seconds. We Zbery vm sa otvor 15, The shutter [i-SCENERY] 15, 30 alebo 60 seknd. also recommend odporcame snma self-timer. taking pictures with thepomocou samospste. [i-MACRO] [] is set if none of the scenes are applicable, and the standard settings are set. If a tripod is used, for instance, and the camera has judged that camera shake is minimal when the scene mode has been identified as [ ], the shutter speed will be set to a maximum of 8 seconds. Take care not to move the camera while taking pictures. An optimum scene for the specified subject will be chosen when set to AF tracking (P73). When [FACE RECOG. ] is set to [ON], and the face similar to the registered face is detected, [R] is displayed in the top right of [ ], [ ] and [ ]. When [FACE RECOG. ] is set to [ON], [ ] will be displayed for birthdays of registered faces already set only when the face of a person 3 years old or younger is detected. Only when [] is selected Note [i-NIGHT PORTRAIT] Poznmka The flashblesku jeis SCENERY] moznos [OE] Rezim setting pevne nastaven naOnly when [ ]. is selected [i-NIGHT fixed to [OE]. The Optical Image stabilizciefunctionje pevne to [OFF]. ThePiesok a morsk voda spsobia poruchu fotoapartu. Dvajte pozor, aby sa sosovka objektvu Backlight Compensation ani kontakty nedostali do styku s pieskom alebo a subject. Backlight refers to when light comes from the back of morskou vodou. In this case, the subject will become dark, so this function compensates the backlight by brightening the whole of the picture automatically. Note 30 VQT1X69 [SNOW] (rezim SNEH) V tomto rezime mzete snma zbery na lyziarskom svahu alebo v prostred zasnezench hr. Parametre pri snman sa nastavia tak, aby na snmke vynikla biela farba snehu. 68 When taking pictures using the zoom (P35) Note Zlozitejsie funkcie (snmanie zberov) Be careful not to move the camera when you press the shutter button. [AERIAL PHOTO] (rezim LETECK ZBERY) Do not cover the flash or the AF assist lamp with your fingers or other objects. Pomocou tohto rezimu mzete snma zbery cez okno lietadla. the camera identifies the optimum scene, the icon of the scene When Technika snmania zberov v rezime leteckch zberov concerned is Tto blue for 2 seconds, after pouzi, ak mte problmy so zaostrovanm displayed intechniku vm odporcame which its colour changes to the usual red. > [i-PORTRAIT] Fotoapart namierte na nieco s vysokm kontrastom, stlacte tlacidlo spste do polovice, aby ste pevne nastavili zaostrenie, a potom namierte fotoapart na objekt a plnm stlacenm [i-SCENERY] tlacidla spste nasnmajte snmku. [i-MACRO] Only when [] is selected [i-NIGHT PORTRAIT] Poznmka moznos [OE] Rezim blesku je pevne nastaven naOnly when [ ]. is selected [i-NIGHT SCENERY] Rozsah zaostrenia je 5 m az . [i-BABY] Pri vzlietnut a pristvan fotoapart vypnite. [] is set if none of the scenes are applicable, and the standard settings are set. Pri pouzvan fotoapartu dodrziavajte pokyny posdky lietadla. [. . . ] the 105 the the NEW Do not the object's interest. PICTURES?] use Do not material against[SAVE 125object's to step Do Do not use the The [MENU/SET] object's interest. not use the material againstmaterial against the proceedinterest. appears if 150 picture and Aspect ratio setting Motion pictures Text and dates cannot be stamped on the pictures in the following cases. [. . . ]


Lastmanuals ponúka spoločensky riadený servis zdieľania, uchovávania a hľadania manuálov súvisiacich s používaním hardwaru a softwaru: návody, manuály, rýchle návody, technické poznámky...
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