Lastmanuals ponúka spoločensky riadený servis zdieľania, uchovávania a hľadania manuálov súvisiacich s používaním hardwaru a softwaru: návody, manuály, rýchle návody, technické poznámky... NEZABÚDAJTE: VŽDY SI PREČÍTAJTE NÁVOD PRED KÚPENÍM
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Lastmanuals pomáha stiahnuť návod značky PANASONIC DMCZX3
[. . . ] Operating Instructions for advanced tkajci Operating Instructions Nvod na obsluhufeatures Digital Camera for advanced features sa rozsrench funkci
Model No.
Model No.
Digital Camera DMC-ZX3 Digitlny fotoapart DMC-ZX3 DMC-ZX3
Before use, please read these instructions completely. Pred prvm pouzitm objektvu si, prosm, Before use, please read these instructions completely. pozorne prectajte tento nvod na obsluhu.
Webov strnka: http://www. panasonic. sk
until 2010/2/8
Obsah Pred uvedenm do cinnosti
Strucn nvod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Dodvan prslusenstvo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] the camera off or [POWER incandescent lights you turn [SUNSET]/[FLASH [SUNSET]/[FLASH BURST]/[STARRY Value it by SKY]/[FIREWORKS]/[BEA When in bracket is set, the VQT1X69 function fixed at [AWB], but thecan review In blesku. finely adjust the White Balance the white balance is activated regardless of set autobe the [UNDERWATER]autoScene Mode, independently for each White Balance item. using [ 70 auto review GRAIN]/[UNDERWATER] []: You can [AERIAL PHOTO]/[FILMcannot fotoapartu aj po finelyWhite balance fine (The picture [AERIAL is reflected in the the auto review function the flash. Jemn doladenie vyvzenia bielej ostane ulozen v pamti set picture when jeho vypnut. adjustment setting PHOTO]/[FILM GRAIN]/[UNDERWATER] [SETUP] using Value set by using [] in the menu. 70 VQT1X69 Whitezmente nastavenie vyvzenia bielej prostrednctvom [SEPIA], [COOL] and is turned off. Ak balance fine fine adjustment setting is memorised even []: Set manually funkcie [ ], camera [WARM] The White balanceadjustment cannot be set for [B/W], auto bracket the rove jemnho in of the The exposure may not be []: Set manuallyif depending on the brightness compensated with VQT1X69 doladenia vyvzenia bielej ] sa vrti na hodnotu [0]. adjustment level in [] returns to [0] when you reset the White The White balance fine 70v nastaven [ 70 VQT1X69 Balance using []. set for the flash when(fotografovanie set. vodou) je vyvzenie bielej V rezime snmania scn [UNDERWATER] auto bracket is pod [OE] is Note Auto pevne nastaven na moznos [AWB], mzetewhite is set. is fixed at [AWB], but it can be Burst is cancelled Mode, the ho vsak jemne InWhite Balance the [UNDERWATER] in Scene when auto bracket balance doladi. optimal white balance will differ Note The Auto Bracket cannot be usedmozn nastavi v prpade voby [B/W] when in [TRANSFORM], [PANORAMA ASSIST], finely adjusted. Jemn the conditions prevailing nie je pictures are taken, the pictures depending []. Depending on nastavenie vyvzenia bielej [FLASH BURST], [STARRYbalance will so usemay take on in type when optimal white SKY], under differ [AWB] or on the The [HI-SPEED BURST], [PIN HOLE] and [FILM GRAIN] (ciernobiela tinge. Furthermore, when set for [B/W], [SEPIA], light sources are being White bluish snmka), [SEPIA] cannot hne), so use [AWB] or[]. [WARM] setting [COOL] a reddish or balance fine adjustment(spiov be a multiple number ofThe white and [WARM] in is memor scene mode. under [COOL] (chladn tn) alebo balance (tepl tn) v rmci polozky [COLOR MODE] white Auto White Balance may noteven if the mode re [COLOR MODE]. setting is memorisedfor a scene camera used or there is nothing balance setting function to white, balance In the scene modes listed when th balance setting for other than [AWB]. In a case like this, set the White Balance to a modea scene mode returns to [AWB]below, wh Automatick vyvzenie bielej Auto White Balance below, white balance is fixed to [A In the scene modes listed [SCENERY]/[NIGHT PORTRAIT]/ 1 zvislostiWhitethe conditionswork mzu ma [SCENERY]/[NIGHT PORTRAIT]/[NIGHTtoho, on Auto od podmienok pri snman within this range. Depending on Balance will prevailing when pictures are taken, the picturesOkremtake V snmky modr alebo cerven ndych. may SCENERY]/[FO [SUNSET]/[FLASH BURST]/[STA 2) 2 reddishskyscna osvetlen viacermi svetelnmi zdrojmi alebo ak sa ofzberesources are ziadny GRAIN]/ Blue or bluish tinge. Furthermore, when[SUNSET]/[FLASH BURST]/[STARRY SKY]/[FIREWORK a a multiple number v light nenachdza being [AERIAL PHOTO]/[FILM ak je snman 3) 3 Cloudy sky (Rain) farby blzko bielej), automatick vyvzenie bielej nemusmay not function [AERIAL PHOTO]/[FILM GRAIN]/[UNDERWATER] predmet bielej farby (alebo with a colour close to white, Auto White Balance fungova sprvne. used or there is nothing 4) 5) 4 takomto prpade nastavte vyvzenie bielej na akkovek to arezim ako rezim [AWB]. [. . . ] (Prklad: [8m 20s] ([WVGA]) 2 M ([SH]) M v rezime [ ]) Na zobrazovacej ploche je zobrazen zostvajci cas na nepretrzit2snmanie.
0. 3 M ([H]) 0. 3 M
126 -min 00
- 126 -
2h 40 min
126 4 h -
00 min
4h 00 min 2h 15 min
5h 20 min
8h 00 min
Picture size
126 -- 126 --
Poznmka 0. 3 M ([L]) 0. 3 M ptical zoom (EZ) Digital zoom Pocet zberov, ktor je optical zoom 5k] a disponibiln zznamov cas zobrazen na LCD mozn nasnma 20k [including fixed to [>]. [QUALI nemusia klesa extra optical 9. 8k monitore 39. 1k [including postupne. zoom 9. 8k] Optick extrazoom nie je cinn, ke je nastaven makro zoom [MACRO ZOOM], Note You may the magnification alebo sa pouzvajnot be able to save still pictures from a motion picture taken on other equipment. The higherrezimy snmania scn [TRANSFORM] (transformcia), [HIGH SENS. ] deterioration level, the greater the (vysok citlivos), [HI-SPEED BURST] (vysokorchlostn sekvencn snmanie), [FLASH BURST] deterioration. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals ponúka spoločensky riadený servis zdieľania, uchovávania a hľadania manuálov súvisiacich s používaním hardwaru a softwaru: návody, manuály, rýchle návody, technické poznámky... V žiadnom prípade Lastmanuals nemá zodpovednosť ak dokument, ktorý hľadáte nie je k dispozícií, je nedokončený, v inom jazyku ako je ten Váš, alebo ak model jazyka nesúhlasí s opisom. Lastmanuals, napríklad, neponúka prekladateľský servis.
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