Návod na použitie EPSON STYLUS TX409

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Mode d'emploi EPSON STYLUS TX409

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   EPSON STYLUS TX409 (4509 ko)

návod na obsluhu EPSON STYLUS TX409

Detailné inštrukcie na použitie sú v Návodoch

[. . . ] Podrobné informácie vám poskytne miestny servisný zástupca spolocnosti Canon. Varovanie K portu priamej tlace na zariadení nepripájajte iné zariadenia nez zariadenia kompatibilné so standardom PictBridge, volitenú jednotku Bluetooth BU-30 a jednotky USB s pamäou flash. Mohli by ste spôsobi poziar, úraz elektrickým prúdom alebo poskodenie zariadenia. Upozornenie Nedotýkajte sa kovového krytu. (9) Výstupný zásobník papiera Automaticky sa otvorí pri spustení tlace alebo kopírovania a vysunutí vytlacených papierov. (10) Vysúvacia cas výstupného zásobníka Po otvorení podopiera výtlacky. Otvorte ju pri tlaci alebo kopírovaní. (11) Ploché predlohové sklo Polozte sem originál, ktorý chcete kopírova alebo skenova. (12) Kazeta Vlozte obycajný papier vekosti A4, B5, A5, alebo Letter a zasute ju do zariadenia. Naraz mozno vlozi jeden alebo viacero hárkov rovnakej vekosti papiera, ktoré sa vsak automaticky budú podáva po jednom. [. . . ] View & Use Images on your Computer Tab One-click You can complete from scanning to saving, etc. at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon. Custom Scan with One-click Tab (Switch Mode) Switch to One-click Mode screen. In the One-click Mode screen, you can complete from scanning to saving, etc. at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon. One-click Mode Screen Show this window at startup Select this checkbox to open the Main Menu at startup. If this checkbox is not selected, the last used screen appears. Preferences The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions. Preferences Dialog Box (Guide) Open this guide. Page top Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab Strana 433 z celkového poctu 767 Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Scan/ Import Documents or Images Tab Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab Point to Scan/Import in the Navigation Mode screen to display the Scan/Import Documents or Images tab. You can scan photos and documents, or import images saved on memory cards. Photos/Documents (Platen) Open the Scan/Import window. Scan photos and documents placed on the Platen. Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) Memory Card Open the Scan/Import window with Memory Card selected. Save Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) Save as PDF file Scan documents and save them as PDF files. When you click this icon, the PDF dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save and application settings. PDF Dialog Box Attach to E-mail Scan documents or photos and attach them to e-mail. When you click this icon, the Mail dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save and e-mail software program settings. Mail Dialog Box OCR Scan text documents then extract text in the image and display it in Notepad (included with Windows). When you click this icon, the OCR dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save and application settings. OCR Dialog Box Important For further procedures, refer to the application's manual. Custom Scan documents and open them in a specified application. Document type is automatically detected. When you click this icon, the Custom dialog box opens and you can specify the scan/save and application settings. Custom Dialog Box Important For further procedures, refer to the application's manual. Start scanning by clicking the button Select this checkbox and click an icon to start scanning immediately. Custom Scan with One-click Tab (Switch Mode) Strana 437 z celkového poctu 767 Switch to One-click Mode. One-click Mode Screen Show this window at startup Select this checkbox to open the Main Menu at startup. [. . . ] Uncheck Show informational notifications for network printers on the Advanced tab, and then restart the computer. In Windows XP or Windows 2000: Open Server Properties from the File menu of the Printer and Faxes window (Windows XP) or the Printers window (Windows 2000) on the print server system. Uncheck Notify when remote documents are printed on the Advanced tab, and then restart the computer. The bi-directional communication function is disabled so that the correct printer status may not be recognized. If a client user opens the printer driver properties and then clicks OK with the Enable bidirectional support check box on the Ports tab unchecked, the bi-directional function of the printer server system may also be disabled. In this case, check Enable bidirectional support check box on both the print server system and the client system. When you print from a client system, you cannot use Canon IJ Preview. [. . . ]


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