Návod na použitie EPSON STYLUS TX209

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Mode d'emploi EPSON STYLUS TX209

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   EPSON STYLUS TX209 annexe 1 (4522 ko)
   EPSON STYLUS TX209 (1775 ko)
   EPSON STYLUS TX209 annexe 1 (4509 ko)

návod na obsluhu EPSON STYLUS TX209

Detailné inštrukcie na použitie sú v Návodoch

[. . . ] (ON) alebo vykonajte tlac. Pohad zozadu (9) Port USB Zasute sem kábel USB, ktorým sa zariadenie pripája k pocítacu. Dôlezité Nedotýkajte sa kovového krytu. Kým zariadenie tlací alebo skenuje originály pomocou pocítaca, neodpájajte ani znova nepripájajte kábel USB. (10) Konektor napájacieho kábla Zasute sem dodaný napájací kábel. Vnútorné súcasti Hlavné súcasti Strana 6 z celkového poctu 708 (11) Zaisovacie kryty kazety s atramentom Zaisuje kazety FINE na svojom mieste. (12) Drziak kazety FINE Slúzi na vlozenie kaziet FINE. Farebná kazeta FINE sa vkladá do avej zásuvky ( ) a cierna kazeta FINE do pravej zásuvky ( ). (13) Kazety FINE (kazety s atramentom) Vymenitené kazety s integrovanou tlacovou hlavou a kazetou s atramentom. Poznámka Podrobné informácie o vkladaní kaziet FINE nájdete v tlacenej prírucke Prvé spustenie . (14) Skenovacia jednotka (kryt) Slúzi na skenovanie originálov. Otvorte ju pri výmene kaziet FINE alebo odstraovaní zaseknutého papiera vnútri zariadenia. Pri otváraní skenovacej jednotky (krytu) nechajte kryt dokumentov zatvorený. (15) Podpera skenovacej jednotky Pridrziava skenovaciu jednotku (kryt), kým je otvorená. Dôlezité Oblas (A) znázornenú na nasledujúcom obrázku môze pokrýva rozliaty atrament. [. . . ] In some applications, the commands (print, edit, etc. ) restricted by Permissions Password may differ from those in MP Navigator EX. Password-protected PDF files cannot be searched by text from the " View & Use Window . " Passwords cannot be set when images are automatically saved after scanning. 1. Open the password setting screen from images scanned into MP Navigator EX or existing files. Setting Passwords for Scanned Images 1. Scan documents into the Scan/Import window. Let's Try Scanning 2. Click Save as PDF file. The Save as PDF file dialog box opens. 3. Select the Password security settings checkbox. Setting Passwords for PDF Files The Password Security -Settings dialog box opens. Strana 398 z celkového poctu 708 Setting Passwords for Existing Files 1. In the View & Use window, select image/PDF files and click PDF. Click Create/Edit PDF file on the list. Creating/Editing PDF Files 3. Edit files in the Create/Edit PDF file window, then click Save Selected Pages or Save All Pages. The Save as PDF file dialog box opens. 4. Select the Password security settings checkbox. The Password Security -Settings dialog box opens. Note You can also open the Password Security -Settings dialog box by clicking Set. . . , then selecting Password Security for Security in the PDF Settings dialog box. 2. Select the Require a password to open the document or Use a password to restrict printing and editing of the document and its security settings checkbox, then enter a password. Setting Passwords for PDF Files Strana 399 z celkového poctu 708 Important Up to 32 single-byte alphanumeric characters can be used for the password. Setting Passwords for PDF Files Related Topic Setting Passwords for PDF Files Page top MP Navigator EX Screens Strana 404 z celkového poctu 708 Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens S700 MP Navigator EX Screens Learn about the screens and functions of MP Navigator EX. Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab Auto Scan Screen (Scan/Import Window) Scan Settings Dialog Box (Auto Scan) Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents) Save Dialog Box Save as PDF file Dialog Box View & Use Images on your Computer Tab View & Use Window Create/Edit PDF file Window Print Document Dialog Box Print Photo Dialog Box Send via E-mail Dialog Box Correct/Enhance Images Window Custom Scan with One-click Tab / One-click Mode Screen Auto Scan Dialog Box Save Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) Scan Settings Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) PDF Dialog Box Mail Dialog Box OCR Dialog Box Custom Dialog Box Preferences Dialog Box General Tab Scanner Button Settings Tab (Save to PC) Scan Settings Dialog Box (Scanner Button Settings) Page top Navigation Mode Screen Strana 405 z celkového poctu 708 Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Navigation Mode Screen S735 Navigation Mode Screen This is one of the startup screens of MP Navigator EX. Select an icon at the top of the screen to display the corresponding tab. Use each tab depending on what you want to do. Scan/Import Scan photos and documents. Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab View & Use You can open images saved on a computer and print them or attach them to e-mail. You can also edit them using an application that accompanies the machine. View & Use Images on your Computer Tab One-click You can complete "from scanning to saving", etc. at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon. Custom Scan with One-click Tab (Switch Mode) Switches to One-click Mode screen. In the One-click Mode screen, you can complete "from scanning to saving", etc. at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon. One-click Mode Screen Show this window at startup Select this checkbox to open the Main Menu at startup. [. . . ] The setup on the client systems is complete. You can now share the printer in the network. Page top Restrictions on Printer Sharing Strana 702 z celkového poctu 708 Advanced Guide > Appendix > Sharing the Printer on a Network > Restrictions on Printer Sharing P415 Restrictions on Printer Sharing If you are using the XPS printer driver, replace "Canon IJ Status Monitor" with "Canon IJ XPS Status Monitor" when reading this information. These are restrictions that apply when you are using a printer in a network environment. Check the restrictions for the environment you are using. When You Are Sharing a Printer in a Network A print completion message may be displayed. To disable the message to display, follow the procedure below. If you are using Windows 7: In the Devices and Printers window of the client, select the printer from Printers and Faxes, and open the displayed Print server properties. [. . . ]


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