Návod na použitie CANON PIXMA MX350

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návod na obsluhu CANON PIXMA MX350

Detailné inštrukcie na použitie sú v Návodoch

[. . . ] Canon MX350 series On-screen Manual Strana 1 z celkovho poctu 1100 Ako pouzva tto prrucku Tlac tejto prrucky MC-4526-V1. 00 Zkladn prrucka Obsahuje shrnn informcie o tomto vrobku. Rozsren prrucka Podrobne opisuje funkciu tohto vrobku. Riesenie problmov MX350 series Zkladn prrucka Strana 2 z celkovho poctu 1100 Ako pouzva tto prrucku Tlac tejto prrucky MP-4352-V1. 00 Rozsren prrucka Obsah Prehad zariadenia Hlavn scasti Ako sa pohybova v ponukch na displeji LCD Tlac z poctaca Tlac fotografi (Easy-PhotoPrint EX) Tlac dokumentov Prpravy na faxovanie Kontrola pripojenia telefnnej linky Urcenie zkladnch nastaven faxu alsie pouzitie Tlac sabln, naprklad papiera na poznmky Tlac fotografi priamo z digitlneho fotoapartu alebo mobilnho telefnu Nastavenia zariadenia Uzitocn softvrov aplikcie Nastavenie rezimu prijmania Faxovanie Odosielanie faxov Pouzvanie rznych funkci odosielania Prijmanie faxov Pouzvanie rznych funkci prijmania Pouzvanie uzitocnch funkci faxovania Vkladanie papiera a originlov Vkladanie papiera Umiestnenie originlov Bezn drzba Tlac z pamovej karty Tlac fotografi ulozench na pamovej karte Ke je tlac nejasn alebo sa tlacia nesprvne farby Vmena kazety FINE alebo na disku USB flash Pouzvanie rznych funkci Cistenie valceka podvaca papiera Vkladanie pamovej karty Zapojenie disku USB flash Prloha Zkonn obmedzenia tkajce sa pouzvania vrobku a obrzkov Rady tkajce sa pouzvania zariadenia Koprovanie Vytvranie kpi Pouzvanie rznych funkci koprovania Skenovanie Ukladanie naskenovanch dajov do poctaca Pouzvanie rznych funkci skenovania Prehad zariadenia Rozsren prrucka Obsah > Prehad zariadenia Strana 3 z celkovho poctu 1100 Riesenie problmov Prehad zariadenia Tto cas obsahuje nzvy scast zariadenia a opisuje zkladn kony, s ktormi sa muste oboznmi pred jeho pouzvanm. Hlavn scasti Pohad spredu Pohad zozadu Vntorn scasti Ovldac panel Ako sa pohybova v ponukch na displeji LCD Zkladn kony v jednotlivch rezimoch Zkladn kony na obrazovke nastaven alsie kony Na zaciatok strany Hlavn scasti Rozsren prrucka Obsah > Prehad zariadenia > Hlavn scasti Strana 4 z celkovho poctu 1100 Riesenie problmov Hlavn scasti Pohad spredu Pohad zozadu Vntorn scasti Ovldac panel Pohad spredu (1) Automatick podvac dokumentov (APD) Vlozte sem dokument, ktor chcete koprova, skenova alebo faxova. Dokumenty vlozen v zsobnku dokumentov sa naskenuj automaticky po jednotlivch hrkoch. Pozrite si cas Vkladanie dokumentov do automatickho podvaca dokumentov. (2) Kryt podvaca dokumentov Otvorte ho pri odstraovan zaseknutch dokumentov. (3) Vodiace listy dokumentu Tieto listy nastavte poda srky dokumentu v podvaci APD. (4) Zsobnk dokumentov Otvorte ho pri vkladan dokumentu do podvaca APD. Mzete sem vlozi dokument pozostvajci aspo z dvoch hrkov rovnakej vekosti a hrbky. Dokument vkladajte tak, aby strana urcen na skenovanie smerovala nahor. (5) Otvor na vstup dokumentov Privdzaj sa sem dokumenty skenovan z automatickho podvaca dokumentov. (6) Podpera papiera Podopiera papier vlozen v zadnom zsobnku. [. . . ] Setting Passwords for PDF Files Save Dialog Box Important Strana 599 z celkovho poctu 1100 PDF, PDF(Multiple Pages) and PDF(Add Page) cannot be selected for images scanned from the Custom dialog box. You cannot select JPEG/Exif when Color Mode is Black and White. Set. . . When Save as type is JPEG/Exif You can specify a compression type for JPEG files. Select High(Low Compression), Standard or Low(High Compression). Important This setting is not available when the Compress scanned images when transferring checkbox is selected on the " General Tab" of the Preferences dialog box. When Save as type is PDF, PDF(Multiple Pages) or PDF(Add Page) Make advanced settings for creating PDF files. See " PDF Settings Dialog Box " for details. Exif Settings. . . When Save as type is JPEG/Exif, you can input Exif information into the file to be saved. Exif Settings Dialog Box Password security settings Select this checkbox to open the Password Security -Settings dialog box in which you can set passwords for opening, editing and printing created PDF files. Setting Passwords for PDF Files Note This function is available only when Save as type is PDF, PDF(Multiple Pages) or PDF(Add Page). Add to This is displayed when you select PDF(Add Page) for Save as type and specify the PDF file to which images are added. to specify another one. Important Images can only be added to PDF files created with MP Navigator EX. You cannot specify PDF files created with other applications. PDF files edited in other applications cannot be specified as well. Rotate Left 90 / Rotate Right 90 Rotates scanned images 90 degrees counter-clockwise or clockwise. Select the image you want to rotate and click Rotate Left 90 or Rotate Right 90 . File name Enter the file name of the image to be saved (up to 64 characters). When saving multiple files, 4 digits are appended to each file name. Save in Displays the folder in which to save the scanned images. The following folders are specified by default. Windows 7: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows Vista: MP Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Save to a Subfolder with Current Date Select this checkbox to create a subfolder in the folder specified in Save in with the current date and save scanned files in it. A subfolder with a name such as "2010_01_01" (Year_Month_Date) will be created. If this checkbox is not selected, files are saved directly in the folder specified in Save in. Save Dialog Box Strana 600 z celkovho poctu 1100 Page top Exif Settings Dialog Box Strana 601 z celkovho poctu 1100 Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Exif Settings Dialog Box Exif Settings Dialog Box You can input Exif information into a file to be saved. Exif is a standard format for embedding various shooting data in digital camera images (JPEG). Embedding Exif information into scanned images allows you to organize and print them along with digital camera images. The Exif Settings dialog box can be opened when Save as type is JPEG/Exif. Basic Information Displays the information obtained automatically from the machine or software. Advanced Information Displays the information specified on the right side of the screen. Advanced Information Settings Area You can input Exif information such as the title and shooting data. Select the checkbox of the items you want to specify, and select or enter information. Apply the Same Setting of Input Items Automatically Select this checkbox to automatically display the information you specified for the previous image. Apply After specifying all the information you need, click Apply to embed it into the image. The information appears in Advanced Information. OK Embeds the specified information into the image and closes the screen. The specified information is saved. Cancel Cancels the settings and closes the screen. Information is embedded when Cancel is clicked after clicking Apply. Page top PDF Dialog Box Strana 602 z celkovho poctu 1100 Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > PDF Dialog Box PDF Dialog Box Click Save as PDF file on the Custom Scan with One-click tab or click PDF in the One-click Mode screen to open the PDF dialog box. Scan Settings Document Type Select the type of document to be scanned. Color Mode Select how to scan the document. Document Size Select the size of the document to be scanned. When you select Custom, a screen in which you can specify the document size appears. [. . . ] Vyberte moznos 64 bitov alebo 128 bitov. Vcsia dzka kca umozuje nastavi zlozitejs kc WEP. L Kvalita spojenia (Link Quality) Stav spojenia medzi prstupovm bodom a tlaciarou bez sumu (rusenia) sa oznacuje hodnotou 0 az 100 %. LLTD Protokol na rovni prepojenia integrovan v systme Windows Vista, ktor je urcen na zisovanie topolgie siete a diagnostiku kvality sluzieb. Funkcia mapy siete pouzva protokol LLTD na grafick zobrazenie loklnej siete. LPR Tlacov protokol nezvisl od platformy pouzvan v sieach TCP/IP. Nepodporuje obojsmern komunikciu. M Adresa MAC (MAC Address) Tiez znma ako fyzick adresa. Jedinecn a nemenn identifiktor hardvru, ktor sieovm zariadeniam prirauje vrobca. [. . . ]


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