Návod na použitie CANON PIXMA MG5250

Lastmanuals ponúka spoločensky riadený servis zdieľania, uchovávania a hľadania manuálov súvisiacich s používaním hardwaru a softwaru: návody, manuály, rýchle návody, technické poznámky... NEZABÚDAJTE: VŽDY SI PREČÍTAJTE NÁVOD PRED KÚPENÍM

Dúfame, že návod CANON PIXMA MG5250 bude pre Vás užitočný

Lastmanuals pomáha stiahnuť návod značky CANON PIXMA MG5250

Mode d'emploi CANON PIXMA MG5250

Môžete si stiahnuť následujúci manuál súvisiaci s týmto produktom:

   CANON PIXMA MG5250 (17797 ko)

návod na obsluhu CANON PIXMA MG5250

Detailné inštrukcie na použitie sú v Návodoch

[. . . ] 1 1103 . MC-4946-V1. 00 . . MG5200 series . 2 1103 . MP-4811-V1. 00 PDF- - USB , - USB - USB (Easy-PhotoPrint EX) - (Easy-WebPrint EX) > . 3 1103 . , . (HOME) > > . 4 1103 . C001 (1) . (2) , . (3) , . [. . . ] . . / () (Photos/Documents (Platen)) ( . . . "?", . . 601 1103 . (Categories) (Close All) / (Open All) . (Close All) . (Open All) . . (Close All) (Open All). ( ) . ( ) ( ) . , . (Scan Settings) (/. . . . 602 1103 . > > > MP Navigator EX > (Scan Settings) (/ ) S713 (Scan Settings) (/) (Scan Settings) . . . (Scan Settings) . (Document Type) . : (Color Photo) - (Black and White Photo) : (Color Document), - (Black and White Document) (OCR) (Text(OCR)) : () (Magazine(Color)) ! (OCR) (Text(OCR)), (Compress scanned images when transferring) (General) (Preferences). (Document Size) . (Units), (Width) (Height) (OK). ! (Scan Settings) (/. . . (Auto Detect) . (Document Type) (OCR) (Text(OCR)), . ( . ) (Auto Detect (Multiple Documents)) (Auto Detect). (Scanning Resolution) . . (Document Type) (OCR) (Text(OCR)), . (Auto Photo Fix) / (Auto Document Fix) (Document Type). . (Auto Photo Fix) , (Document Type) (Color Photo). (, . ) . (Auto Document Fix) , (Document Type) (Color Document), - (Black and White Document) () (Magazine(Color)). . ! , JPEG/Exif PDF. , (Document Type) - (Black and White Photo) (OCR) (Text(OCR)). , (Compress scanned images when transferring) « (General) » (Preferences). (Descreen) . ! , (Document Type) (Color Photo), - (Black and White Photo) (OCR) (Text(OCR)). . (Descreen), , . (Scan Settings) (/. . . (Unsharp Mask) . 604 1103 . . ! , (Document Type) (OCR) (Text(OCR)). (Remove gutter shadow) , . ! , (Document Size) (Auto Detect), . ( . ) (Auto Detect (Multiple Documents)) « » (Stitch Assist). , (Compress scanned images when transferring) « (General) » (Preferences). (Advanced Mode) ScanGear ( ) . (Gutter Shadow Correction) ». (Reduce Show-through) . ! , (Document Type) (Color Photo), - (Black and White Photo) (OCR) (Text(OCR)). . , (Document Type) , . (Correct slanted document) , ( -0, 1 -10 +0, 1 +10 ). ! , (Document Type) (Color Photo) - (Black and White Photo). , (Document Size) " ". [. . . ] 802. 11b. IEEE 802. 11n , 2, 4 5 . 1100 1103 . 600 / , . 802. 11b 802. 11g. (Infrastructure) , . IP- , , . IPv4 32 , IPv6 128- . K (Key Format) WEP ASCII, (Hex). [. . . ]


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