Návod na použitie ACER ASPIRE E1-432G

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Mode d'emploi ACER ASPIRE E1-432G

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   ACER ASPIRE E1-432G (4351 ko)

návod na obsluhu ACER ASPIRE E1-432G

Detailné inštrukcie na použitie sú v Návodoch

[. . . ]  If the appliance is levelled correctly, it will be more stable and much less likely to cause vibrations and noise while it is operating, particularly during the spin cycle.  If it is placed on carpet or a rug, adjust the feet in such a way as to allow a sufficient ventilation space underneath the washing machine. Connecting the electricity and water supplies Connecting the water inlet hose  Before connecting the inlet hose to the water supply, run the water until it is perfectly clear. Connect the inlet hose to the machine by screwing it onto the cold water inlet of the appliance, which is situated on the top righthand side of the rear part of the appliance (see figure). Unpacking and levelling Unpacking 1. Once you have removed all the packaging from the washing machine, make sure it has not been damaged during transportation. [. . . ] Press the OPTION buttons to customise the wash cycle in accordance with your own requirements. • Press the button to activate the option; the corresponding indicator light will switch on. 6 • Press the button again to disable the option; the indicator light will switch off.  If the selected option is not compatible with the selected wash cycle, this incompatibility will be signalled by the flashing of the indicator light and a sound alert (3 beeps); the option will not be activated.  If the selected option is not compatible with another option that has been selected previously, the indicator light corresponding to the first option selected will flash and only the second option will be activated; the indicator light corresponding to the button will remain lit in a constant manner. The corresponding indicator light remains lit in a fixed manner and the porthole door locks (the DOOR LOCKED indicator light illuminates). The icons corresponding to the wash cycle phases will light up during the cycle to indicate which phase is currently in progress. To change a wash cycle once it has already started, pause the washing machine by pressing the START/ PAUSE button; then select the desired cycle and press the START/PAUSE button again. To open the door during a wash cycle, press the START/PAUSE button; if the DOOR LOCKED indicator light is switched off you may open the door. Press the START/PAUSE button again to restart the wash cycle from the point at which it was interrupted. This is indicated by the illuminated text END. The porthole door may be opened immediately. The detergent should be poured into the relevant compartment - or the dispenser placed directly inside the drum - before the wash cycle begins. In the latter case, it will not be possible to select the Cottons with pre-wash cycle.  Do not use hand washing detergents because these create too much foam. Silk: use the special “Silk” wash cycle to wash all silk garments. We recommend the use of special detergent which has been designed to wash delicate clothes. These should be folded and placed inside the bag provided. Wool: Ariston is the only washing machine brand to have been awarded the prestigious Woolmark Platinum Care endorsement (M. 0508) by the Woolmark Company, which means that all woollen garments may be washed in the washing machine, even those which state “hand wash only” on the label. The “Wool” wash cycle can be used to wash all woollen garments in the washing machine while guaranteeing optimum performance. Duvets: to wash single duvets (the weight of which should not exceed 2 kg), cushions or clothes padded with goose down such as puffa jackets, use the special “Duvets” wash cycle. We recommend that duvets are placed in the drum with their edges folded inwards (see figure) and that no more than ¾ of the total volume of the drum is used. To achieve the best results, we recommend that a liquid detergent is used and placed inside the detergent dispenser drawer. Preparing the laundry • Shake out the garments before loading them into the machine. • Divide the laundry according fabric type (symbol on the washing instruction label) and colour, making sure you separate the coloured garments from the white ones; • Empty all pockets and check the buttons; • Do not exceed the values listed in the “Table of wash cycles”, which refer to the weight of the laundry when dry. How much does your laundry weigh? [. . . ] The START/PAUSE button has not been pressed. A delayed start has been set. The washing machine does not fill • The water inlet hose is not connected to the tap. • There is no water supply in the house. • The START/PAUSE button has not been pressed. [. . . ]


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